Aubrey Metcalf Award

The Aubrey Metcalf Memorial Fund was created to promote interest in medical trainees towards the pursuit of a career in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Priority will be given to trainees who have participated in NCROCAP events or proposals that include returning the educational content of the experience back to the NCROCAP membership, executive council, or local trainees (e.g. following up a national presentation with a local presentation). NC-ROCAP will award at most $1,000 per calendar year from this fund; no more than 2 awards will be granted per year.

Award Categories:

  • Travel funds: up to $500 per meeting. Trainees must disclose other sources of funding they have applied for and those that have been granted.
  • Project funds:  Up to $1000 per project (i.e. research, interventions, teaching initiatives, etc.)


  • Medical residents, fellows, and medical students

Application Process:

Applications should be submitted to the Executive Council (EC) of the Northern California Regional Organization of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (NCROCAP) at Application should include:

  • A write up explaining the purpose of the funding, a breakdown of expected costs for which the funding will be used, and how the applicant expects the award to contribute to his/her pursuit of a career in pediatric mental health
  • CV
  • For project funds, trainees must submit letter from a faculty sponsor or mentor; Preferences will be given if sponsor is a current or immediate past member of the NCROCAP executive committee.
  • Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
  • The EC will vote on the application at the next monthly meeting by rules of quorum, after which, applicant will be notified of award decision.

Requirements for award recipients:

  • Awardees are require to attend one monthly executive committee meeting in full
  • Any project presentation should include acknowledgement of NCROCAP as a funding source

I’m very grateful to the Aubrey Metcalf Award for providing funding that enabled me to attend the Association for Academic Psychiatry’s annual meeting in Milwaukee, WI. I learned so much and got to connect with mentors. One highlight was attending a workshop on embracing vulnerability to enhance teaching and trainee wellness, where I learned a lot about the problem of self-criticism in physicians, the use of self-compassion, and the power of modeling vulnerability to trainees. I look forward to sharing these insights and tools with my home program. Additionally, I presented a poster on the effects of resident rotation schedule on burnout which was awarded runner-up. I really appreciated the opportunity to talk with multiple program directors about my poster and discuss their experiences with rotation schedule changes as well as their thoughts on additional research.

Thank you,

Lauren Schumacher

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Berkley, CA 94704
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